Amen. Come.

What are you looking at?

5 Responses to “Amen. Come.”

  1. I’m looking at a place that you will be visiting soonly.

  2. Sarah mac Says:

    Where is this?

  3. Literally, this is Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.

    Metaphorically, this is in Birmingham, AL.

  4. travishawkins Says:

    I know! A mountain!

    …Enjoy your last day of freedom for a while. Scratch that; I bet you’re working. Take a break and go see “Iron Man.”

  5. endurelife Says:

    To say something different than the correct answer, Kilimanjaro, I would say it is the journey we face in our christian walk. We go up mountains and down valleys. We have a tough climb to the mountain top, but once there we behold some of God’s glory. Then we go back down to the river to drink from His life.

    my two cents

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